Friday, October 23, 2009

Patience in the Garden

The Zilker Botanical Garden of Austin, Texas is one of my favorite places to enjoy nature. The garden includes seven very different habitats displaying an array of exotic plants. The garden is always full of people enjoying time in the great outdoors. I have made many trips to the garden with my family. It is one of our favorite places for family photographs. I have also spent a lot of time at the garden, alone with my camera photographing the beautiful array of plants and animals.

I have noticed some things in the garden that most people probably never see. In the Japanese garden area there are several ponds which are inhabited by some shy creatures. The typical visitor to the park passes by the ponds and never notices these creatures. With the slightest movement or sound these creatures become motionless, blending in with their surrounding area. After the visitor has left the area, these creatures pick up where they left off and continue their busy routine.

Recently I was editing some video of these creatures when my wife looked over my shoulder and asked where I had filmed the video. She was shocked to find out that it was at Zilker Garden! The shy creatures were water snakes ranging up to three or four feet in length!

If you would like to see the snakes in the garden follow these simple instructions. The next time you visit the Japanese pond area, find a comfortable spot and sit down patiently and motionless for 5-10 minutes. You will see the pond come alive with the busy water snakes!

Patience is the key to seeing the shy water snakes at Zilker Botanical Garden. Patience is also a virtue that can help us in our Christian walk. I was surprised to find out that the word “patience” is mentioned over thirty times in the New Testament alone. So many times we get impatient with God and take things into our own hands, instead of waiting on God. We need to learn patience.

Quite often we are impatient in our prayer time, just saying a quick prayer and then running off to our next appointment or falling asleep. I challenge you to be more patient in your prayer time. Say your prayers and then wait on God, just as one has to wait patiently to see the snakes at the garden. There are times when God would like to speak to you during your prayer time, but you just say a quick prayer and leave. Try leaving 5-10 minutes after your prayer and tell God that you are waiting just to see if he would like to speak to you! You may be surprise to hear what God has to say to you!

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