Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Are You Ready for Change?

    As I was taking my daily walk in the woods this morning I came across numerous fallen trees. Evidently the strong wind of the past few days had taken its toll on the trees. I came across a large limb, over 12 inches in diameter that had fallen on my trail. When falling, it also took down multiple other trees in the area, completely blocking my trail. I would have preferred to remove the trees and kept to my original trail but was forced to change the trail’s original path and go around the massive blockage.

   Having to change the path because of the fallen trees started me thinking about changes in our lives. There is an old saying that “change is inevitable”, or in plain English, it is impossible to avoid change. How we deal with these changes is a reflection of our character. Many people do not like change. Some people fight strongly against the changes that come to their lives. Sometimes these changes are for good and at other times the changes are not good.

   In the Bible, Genesis 12 tells us about a man who went through a lot of changes. After living around family and friends in the same area for 75 years, God told Abram to pack up everything and start moving to a location that God would reveal later. Can you imagine the response from Abram’s family, friends, and his wife, when he announced his plans to move? And if that wasn’t enough change, a few years later God told the 100 year old Abram that his 90 year old wife, Sarah, was going to have a child! The Bible says that Sarah laughed at the unbelievable statement! I’m sure that she has a lot of additional comments that the Bible didn’t record!

   I Samuel 16 records the accounts of another person who experienced a lot of changes in their life. David was just a simple sheep herder until the prophet appeared and anointed him to be king over all of Israel. David was not actually crowned to be king until some time later. Can you imagine David going back to sheep herding, knowing that someday he was going to be king over all of Israel? It must have seemed like a dream. More changes came to David’s life a short time later. David slew the giant, Goliath, and was put over all of Israel’s men of war. David went through a lot more changes, even running for his life, before finally being crowned king of Israel.

    The Bible is full of stories of God’s mighty anointed men and the radical changes they experience in their lives. If you are praying for God’s anointing or a great move of God in your life, then be prepare for change. It will come!

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