Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Be On Guard

Members of the animal kingdom are continually on guard for their lives. Most of the members spend their entire existence running for their lives. Take a walk anywhere in the outdoors. As you walk along the path you are continually hearing a rustling in the weeds or a sound of flapping wing in the air, as the small animals scurry to get away from you. Larger animals detect you from a distance and sometimes disappear before you even get close to them. Animals use their various senses to detect the presence of their enemies.

Can you imagine living where you are continually on the run for your life? This is what the animal kingdom is all about. It is survival of the fittest. Almost every creature in the outdoors have some predator that they must continually be on guard against. Small bugs and insects are eaten by bigger insects. Big insects are eaten by small birds and mammals. The small birds and mammals are in turn eaten by raptors and larger mammals such as foxes and coyotes. The foxes and coyotes are continually running from humans. The same cycle occurs in the ocean with the various types and sizes of fish, mammals, and reptiles.

There are only a few species of animals that enjoy life without having to be on guard continually. The lion is considered to be the king of the jungle and one who is not afraid of any other animal but, when the lion gets old he is usually challenged and driven off by a younger and stronger male lion.

Fortunately the various members of the animal kingdom are given unique abilities that aid them in guarding their lives. If you observe a group of deer feeding in the woods, there is always at least one of the deer that is scanning the area for predators while the others are eating. Upon seeing, hearing, or smelling something that is not normal, the deer will stomp their front feet or snort loudly to warn the other deer of the impending danger. Squirrels seem to run about aimlessly but at the first sign of danger they will start barking loudly to warn their fellow species of some danger.

Sometimes there are multiple levels of danger that an animal must deal with. Recently I was walking down a trail in the woods. I spotted a deer coming down the trail from the opposite direction. The deer spotted me at about the same time and turned around and started a hasty retreat; however just before it got out of sight it turned back around and started running directly back toward me. The deer almost ran over me as it ran past me. I was bewildered by the deer's action until I saw a coyote chasing the deer! Evidently the deer felt that I was the lesser of the evils and decided to ignore me as it ran from the coyote!

In most communities of the world, humans do not share the animal kingdom's need to "be on guard continually", to survive. However Christians are taught to be continually on guard against the forces of evil. If you only go to church several time a year and rarely pray to God, you have nothing to worry about. Satan has you just where he likes you to be and will not disturb you at all. For those Christians who are living for God, attending church regularly, and praying to God on a daily basis, you must be on guard against Satan for spiritual survival.

The Bible has many scriptures that warn us to be on guard against the working of Satan. Luke 12:33 warns us to "watch out and be on guard against all kinds of greed" that can destroy our lives. In Acts 20:31 Paul warns us to "be on your guard" against people who will try to distort the truth. Again in I Corinthians 16:13 Paul warns us to "be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong; and do everything in love".

Just as members of the animal kingdom stay on guard and warn their fellow species of impending danger, we as Christians are also instructed to warn our fellow Christians of various dangers. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 3:15 "if anyone does not obey our instructions... warn him as a brother". We need the support of our Christian brothers and sisters. Working together we can defeat the wiles of Satan and live an overcoming life for God!

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