Spring time is my favorite time of the year! It’s warming up quickly here in central Texas. Just two weeks ago the lows were in the 40’s and we were using the heater to warm our house. I always look forward to this time of the year, when we don’t need to run the heater or the air conditioner. This year the weather is heating up quickly and we turned on the air conditioner just a week after turning off the heater!
I know that spring is here because I found three rat snakes while cleaning out the flower beds in my front yard! I also got a visit from my son’s pet lizard. He had the lizard for over a year and then let it loose in our front yard. As I was cleaning the flower bed I looked up and saw the lizard walking up to me. It stood there looking at me as if waiting to be fed. After a few minutes it scampered off into the bushes.
Fortunately I am between jobs and I am able to spend most of my free time working in my back yard. I have already made several trips to the nursery, buying new plants and flowers. I have raked up over a dozen garbage cans full of leaves and debris. I have put out fertilizer in all my flower beds and started my water sprinklers running again. I get such enjoyment out of cultivating and watching the plants grow. It is so awesome to see such beautiful creations come from such little seeds and ugly bulbs. I make the rounds in my garden almost every day, grooming and checking on my plants, and looking to see which seeds have sprouted and which old plants are starting to put out new buds.
As I was making the “rounds” today, checking on my plants, I thought of how God watches over us in a similar manner. I know that God is continually working in people’s lives, trying to convince them to live for him. I believe that God also makes the “rounds” checking on the people that he is dealing with to see if they are responding to him. Luke 15:7 tells us that “joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth”. If you’re not living for God today, I challenge you to give your life to him and create joy in heaven!
LINKS: spring time,God’s creation,
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