Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Small Things

Another unique and magical phenomenon is taking place in nature. One of earth’s smallest creatures is on the move again. The Monarch butterflies are nearing the end of their fall migration. For the past few weeks they have been traveling through the central Texas area, on their way to Mexico. Just a couple of days ago I watched a monarch feeding on the flowers in my back yard. After a couple of minutes it started spiraling upwards, above my house and then above the trees, catching the north wind and headed south again toward its winter feeding grounds.

The Monarch is a really amazing creature! They appear small and fragile but are really tough little creatures! Their migration started in the northern United States and Canada during August. They will travel over 2000 miles, to their destination in central Mexico, arriving in October. These small creatures fly between 50 and a 100 miles a day in their migration to Mexico. How do they know when to start their migration; how do they know where to go, and how do they know when they have reached their destination? These are questions that only God knows and scientists are still trying to figure out!

Sometimes we Christians think that we are so small and insignificant that we will never accomplish anything big, for the Kingdom of God. Being small does not relegate us to a life of mediocrity! The Bible is full of examples of “small” things accomplishing big tasks. James 3:4 tells us about the small rudder that turns the large ships! The Israelites were a small people compared to the giants in the promise land; but with Gods help they are able to conquer all the giants of the land. The young seemingly insignificant shepherd boy David was the only Israelite that was brave enough to fight the giant Goliath. In Matthew 17 Jesus tell us that “if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed… nothing shall be impossible unto you”. So, even if you feel that you are small and unimportant, think big, and see what God can accomplish in your life!

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