Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Earth Quake in Texas

    At the first sign of light this morning I walked out in the woods behind our house, and quietly climbed up in the old tree house. Our tree house is high up in an Oak tree that is leaning over a small creek. It was a beautiful morning. The wind was absolutely calm and everything was quite. I was straining my ears and eyes listening and looking for any wildlife moving in the woods. All of a sudden I felt a slight tremor in the tree. I figured that it was the wind starting to blow. Then I felt a much strong shaking of the tree. I knew someone must be climbing up the tree to join me, but looked over the edge and saw no one. I had never experienced an earth quake in Central Texas, but figured that this must be the first one. Then I felt the shaking again, and saw the source of the shaking. The tree I was in had a very long limb stretching over the creek. The squirrels used the limb as a freeway for crossing over the creek without having to swim. A small squirrel had jumped on the very end of the limb, causing the whole tree to shake! Each step he took caused the entire tree to shake again. I was awed that such a small lightweight creature could shake a huge tree! The squirrel continued his travel passing within inches of my feet with only a passing glance at me.

    Sitting in the tree, while trying to recover from the “earth quake”, I started thinking about how such a very small squirrel could cause the huge Oak tree to shake. This reminded me of what a tremendous impact we as Christians can make in our world, when we have God on our side! Paul and Silas actually prayed down an earth quake” after being put in jail! In Luke 1:37 we read: “with God nothing shall be impossible”. James 5:17 tells us that “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months”! Dream big and pray and you may be surprised to see what happens!

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