Wednesday, December 23, 2009


     Do you ever have a difficult time waking up in the morning? Do your dread facing the new day? Do you wake up needing a little extra inspiration to get you through the day? Inspiration is available from many sources if you will just put forth a little extra effort.

                             Even a gorilla needs inspiration sometimes

     Some get their inspiration through their eyes, watching talented people perform. Have you ever watched a famous artist paint a picture? They start with a clean canvas. Their first brush strokes don’t appear to make any sense but gradually shapes and colors are added and a masterpiece starts to emerge from the canvas. Details are added by the artist until the images appears ready to jump off the canvas!

     Others get their inspiration through their ears, listening to musical sounds. Have you ever listened to a symphony led by a world renowned conductor? There is silence in the auditorium. As if by magic the slight movement of the conductor’s baton initiates a tiny sound. Other soft sounding instruments join in the harmony. The drums start to beat. The loud sounding instruments join in; and finally they all give out their sounds in an almost deafening crescendo!

     Can you imagine the inspiration from experiencing both of these events at the same time? The inspiration is a close as your doorstep and occurs almost every day! To experience this inspiration just go out your door a half hour before sunrise, find a comfortable seat, and watch a never before seen masterpiece emerge in the sky and listen to a new unique symphony of nature! I have experienced this marvelous inspiration many times and wished that I could put into words what I experienced. Well, today’s sunrise was hidden by storm clouds, but while praying I felt the inspiration to write down and share with you what I have experience so may times.
     Everything is dark with only a possible slight shadow at the horizon, separating earth and sky. Not a sound emerges while all nature is still asleep. Then Gods takes out his paint brush and starts another masterpiece. A slight glint of light slowly appears just above the horizon. Everything below the horizon is still pitch dark. The glint of light starts to expand and grow. As the light starts to creep over the horizon, dark shadows start to take on shapes of trees and hills. The silence is broken by a single chirp from a small hungry bird. Streaks of light start to appear over the horizon and scream across the sky, momentarily displaying beauty that will never be seen or experienced again. As if on queue from the Great conductor, other birds of various tones and melodies join in the symphony of nature. The vague shapes start to take on color and details as the Great artist continues to paint his brushstrokes across the earth. It all builds up to a crescendo as the sun explodes above the horizon and all of natures musicians sound out their loudest notes! Another inspiring sunrise to carry me through the day!

    I don’t feel that I had the wisdom or words to adequately describe the majestic sunrise, but I challenge you to experience it for yourself. The next time you feel like you need a little extra inspiration for the day, just step outside early and watch a new masterpiece unfold!

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