Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Short Life on Planet Earth

    A couple of days ago I stepped out my front door and saw some mushrooms that had just started to sprout up on my front lawn. My first reaction was to get rid of them lest they spoil my immaculately manicured lawn. Instead, intrigued by the suddenness of their appearance, I grabbed my camera and shot a few pictures of them.

   The next morning I went back to check on them and was surprised to see that the mushrooms had already opened up their umbrellas and were fully matured.

   By that afternoon the mushrooms were already shrinking up and starting to die.

    The next day they were totally shriveled up and had crumpled to the ground.

    Many types of mushrooms have a very short life span. They can literally grow up overnight, reach full maturity by mid-day, and then shrivel up and die by late afternoon on a hot day!

    People have varied feelings on how long our lives last. Young people tend to think that life passes by very slowly, and can hardly wait until they grow up and are able to do the things that adults do. As we get older life seems to pass by in a blur with each year passing by quicker that the last.

    In the Bible James talks about our brief period of life on Earth. James 4:14 asks “For what is your life?” and then James says life “is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away”. I guess if we compare our life on Earth to the eternity we plan on spending in Heaven, it would be very insignificant indeed. In light of our short life on Earth, James further admonishes us, in verse 15: “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”

    I think James is trying to get across the message that life is too short to make big mistakes. Recovering from a bad career choice or picking the wrong wife or husband, can take years. We should seek the Lord’s will in everything we do. We don’t always get an answer from God when we pray; but at least we give him a chance to speak to us, in case we are about to make a wrong decision. The Lord’s Prayer also admonishes us to pray “thy will be done”. Pray, seek God’s will, and follow God’s plan and enjoy life on planet Earth!

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