Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Night Vision

     Technology is great! I am an avid fan of technology and enjoy purchasing and trying out the latest gadgets and gizmos. There is a lot of high tech night vision equipment made for police and military use. This equipment is also great for observing wildlife at night. I have infrared spot lights and flash lights. These lights send out an invisible (to humans and wildlife) light that can be picked up by special infrared cameras.

     I have an infrared security camera in my back yard that allows me to observe the animals in my backyard, at night. I have infrared night goggles that allow me to see in the dark and walk in the woods at night! I also have what is called a “game camera”. This camera is specially designed for taking pictures of wildlife. The game camera will take pictures during the day or night, when it detects movement of a warm object. Using all of these technologies has given me an insight into what goes on in the woods behind my house after the sun goes down!

     When we moved into the neighborhood we were warned that any small pets left in the backyard would disappear in a couple of days. I understood their warning after using my night goggles one night. I was sitting on the deck in my back yard. I heard a noise and look around just in time to see a fox sniffing around my house, evidently searching for its next meal. Thankfully my cat was safe in the house! Using my night vision cameras, I have seen animals, in my backyard, that are rarely seen in the daylight, including feral hogs and coyotes. I was also surprised to see the raccoons and deer feeding together.

     I started thinking about the spiritual parallels to this fascinating technology that allows me to observe wildlife in the dark. The Bible teaches us that God is our light, and makes the invisible things visible to us. The story of Elisha’s servant in II Kings 6 is a good example. The servant was afraid after waking up and seeing the enemy’s horses and chariots surrounding their city. Elisha told the servant that “they that be with us are more than they that be with them”; and when Elisha prayed, “the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire”.

     In John 16, Jesus tells us that he had to go away but that he would send the Comforter (the Holy Spirit), and in verse 13 tells us that when the comforter, is come, he will guide us and show us things. Thankfully God’s Holy Spirit is still working in our lives today, opening our eyes and taking away our fears. When our first child was only 2 weeks old she got sick one night and started running a very high fever. We were on the phone several times, talking to the doctor. About midnight I left the house to purchase some medicine that the doctor had prescribed. I was a complete nervous wreck wondering if our tiny baby was going to survive! As I was speeding down the road, God spoke to me and told me that our baby was going to be ok. Immediately all my worrying disappeared and I was overwhelmed with a beautiful peace. Evidently, God knew that I was a worrier and decided to stop my worrying once and for all. I have never experienced that overwhelming fear again.
     Isaiah chapter 50 instructs us that: when we are walking in the darkness, to trust in the Lord and rely on him; but warns us that those who live by their own light will get into trouble. So the next time, when you start to worry, or get that uneasy feeling about something, remember to ask God to open your eyes and shine his light on your path. You will be surprised to see what God has in store for you life!

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