Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Change in Central Texas

     Well, our Texas weather is certainly living up to its reputation! In Texas we say: “if you don’t like the weather just wait a few hours and it will change”! On Monday of this week it was a nice winter day with partly cloudy skies and a high in the mid 50’s. I spent the day at a friend’s house, building on a tree house for his son’s birthday. On Tuesday a new cold front blew in and our high was about 30 degrees and it snowed all day long. I think everybody in town was calling each other talking about the snow! This was the heaviest and longest period of snow that I have ever experience in Texas. The snow flakes were enormous. I was in my office trying to focus on a conference call. I had already warned the others that I may get distracted by watching the falling snow outside my window. My office is on the second floor of our house and I have a bird feeder just outside the window.

There were no birds or wildlife stirring, except for my faithful squirrel that I talked about on my February 9 blog, “Enduring the Rain”. Just as he was eating berries in the rain, he jumped up and started eating the sunflower seeds in my bird feeder. Undeterred by the snow flakes falling on and around him, he fed for some time. He didn’t appeared to be bothered by me snapping a few pictures of him, I guess it was because he had gotten accustomed to my cat jumping up to watch him on numerous occasions. Well, on Wednesday our Texas weather reputation continued. I woke up to clear skies and sun streaming over the horizon and quickly melting the snow from yesterday.

     Changes in our lives are just about as consistent as our changing Texas weather. Sometimes these changes are for good and sometimes they are bad. At times we wonder why the bad things are happening to us, when we are living for God. Matthew 5 tells us that God: “sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust”. God allows certain event in our lives to correct us and make us better. In Hebrews 12, Paul tells us that “for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth”. Proverbs 3 tells us to: “despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of his corrections”. Just as good parents correct and discipline their children, so God also does to those who follow him. So be ready for change and consider yourself fortunate to have a God, who knows your future, and who corrects and prepares you for a successful tomorrow!

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