Thursday, March 4, 2010

Temporary Blindness

     I woke up several times during the night and heard raindrops on my roof. After getting up this morning, I was surprised to look out the window and see that the skies were completely clear! After getting dressed I decided to go out and sit on my back deck, for my morning prayer. As I opened the door I was greeted by a surreal view! It was as if everything has disappeared. My usual view, overlooking a canyon, was totally obscured by a thick fog. I could only see for a few yards. A flock of birds flying over the canyon had to make an abrupt maneuver, as they were about to fly directly into my house.

     Occasionally we encounter the same thick fog while driving. It can appear very quickly. You are driving 65mph down the road at night time when suddenly your visibility goes down to almost zero. You grip the steering wheel and you brake hard, hoping you can slow down before you run into something. It’s as if you were temporarily blinded! You then creep along cautiously at a snail’s pace straining your eyes to see the road or the car in front of you.

     In our spiritual lives we normally get directions from various sources, including the Holy Spirit, the Bible, preachers, and teachers. We seek God’s direction and guidance for decisions we make. We also seek direction from God during times of conflict. Events can occur in an instant that totally overwhelm us. All it takes is a phone call, a doctor’s report, or a text message. Our life can be turned upside down and we don’t know where to turn. We pray and we sometimes don’t get an answer. It’s as if we have run into the fog and we don’t know which way to turn.

     So what do we do when we are overcome by this “spiritual blindness”? The solution is very similar to our “fog” experience. You get a firm grip on God and you don’t let go. Keep up your daily prayer time, even if you feel that your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. Don’t allow anything to stop you from praying. You may need to stop some of the non-important things you are doing and focus on reestablishing your communications with God. Move slowly and cautiously. Give God an opportunity to speak to you. Also, make sure that there is not anything in your life that would keep God from talking to you. I John 2:11 tells us that “whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and… does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him”. I Peter 3:7 instructs us men to: “give honour unto the wife… that your prayers be not hindered”. You will usually get your answer in a few days, although sometimes it takes longer. God does not always give us an answer to every question or request we have for him. If after fervently seeking God, you do not get an answer; then proceed cautiously with your gut feeling.

     Just remember, when you are driving down life’s highways and are blinded by the “spiritual fog”, strive to stay on the path. Soon the fog will lift and you will again be able to see the path clearly!

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