Saturday, April 17, 2010

No More Weeds!

     We have had rain for the past several days. Weeds are sprouting up everywhere in my back yard, although only a few of my flowers and plant are starting to grow. It doesn’t seem fair that the unattended, uncared for, and disliked weeds will grow in almost anyplace while I struggle to get my plants to grow in my fertilized and well watered soil. I guess God takes better care of the weeds that I do my flowers and plants!


PokeSally starting
to grow in my


PokeSally is three feet tall
after four weeks! Note the
dormant sago palm in

     This morning there was a lull in the precipitation so I decided to go out in the woods and start my “spring trail cleaning”! Because of the consistent rain we received this spring season, I was dreading to go out on the trails. From all the weeds that I had pulled up in my yard, I expected the trails to be almost completely overgrown with weeds. Most of the trails are only 2-3 years old. Every spring I spend several weeks cutting and pulling up weeds, until they finally give up trying to grow on my trails! Today I was pleasantly surprised to see that the trails were almost completely free of weeds! There were a lot of leaves to be raked and the occasional tree limbs that needed trimming, but almost no weeds! I looked around and there were weeds growing everywhere, except on my trails! I decided that I had finally conquered the weeds for good! I guess that after 2-3 years of human and wildlife traffic, the dirt trails had become too packed to allow the weeds to grow. Victory at last! Now, if I could just figure out how to stop the leaves from falling on my trails and how to prevent the tree limbs from growing on my trails!

As I was raking the trails this morning I started thinking about the blog I wrote on “Grooming the Trails” (October 7, 2009), where I compared the trail grooming to talking care of our spiritual lives. Just as I got victory over the weeds and started working on the other things that clutter the trails, we as Christians should be maturing and making progress in our spiritual lives. When we first start out as a Christian there are a lot of little things that we have to address. New Christians sometimes catch themselves using some of their old foul language or dishonest habits, however, after some maturing the new Christian should achieve “victory” over these old habits. If you are not making progress in your Christian life, I recommend that you reexamine your commit to Christ. As a Christian we will never totally get rid of these temptations, but with God’s help it is possible for us to live a Godly and peaceful life! Have a great day!

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