Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where is the Sun?

        The weathermen forecasted cloudy skies for today and they were correct. I woke up this morning, before daylight, and went out on the back deck to observe another sun rise. Daylight was slow in coming, and when it finally came it revealed a heavily overcast sky! I knew the sun was rising above the horizon but could not see it. I could see the light generated by the sun and I could feel the warming effects of the sun, even thought it was not visible. It is hard to fathom the power of the sun. Our morning temperatures can be in the 40’s but the sun can warm up all of Texas to the 80’s in just a couple of hours! That’s a lot of power!

          Our sun is an interesting and fascinating creation! Ancient cultures worshiped the sun as a God. In Greek mythology the sun was personified as the God Helios, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day.  In the third century BC the Greeks started the theory that the sun was the center of our solar system. By the 1600’s astronomers were able to accurately calculate the distance to the sun and were using a prism to break up the suns rays into many colors. Today scientists have calculated that the amount of the sun’s energy shining on the earth in one hour could supply all the earth’s energy needs for an entire year! Hopefully, some day, we will be able to more fully harness the sun’s energy.

     There are a lot of similarities between the “sun” in the sky and Jesus, the “Son” of God. None of us today have every seen Jesus. There are people that find it hard to believe in a God they have never seen or touched. I am so happy that I live in an environment where I am able to see and feel the affects of my God. I have personally witnessed healings and the supernatural moving of the Holy Spirit. Just as we can believe in the sun that we cannot see, because we feel that affects of the sun; so we also believe in the Son of God because we see and feel his moving in our lives.  If you are not living in an environment where you feel God, I recommend that you visit a “spirit filled” church where you will feel God!

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